Talis - New Support Desk Goes Live
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Technology from SAGE
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Mar 25, 2024 - 09:00 UTC
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Mar 25, 2024 - 08:00 UTC
Following our announcement earlier this month about our change to Talis Support we are now ready to make that move to our new platform.

This will be happening on Monday 25th March between 8am – 1pm (GMT). This has a staged approach to the changes:

1- We will between 8am-9am be swapping over domain names to point our domain of support@talis.com to our new interface.

2- Between 9am-1pm we will be testing and ensuring all has been setup and working as expected.

3- From 1pm you will begin being able to raise new tickets in the new platform – you will be prompted to create a new login and password. As we are swapping the domains the link to the Knowledge Base and our email address will remain the same.

We will then be moving across all the open tickets that exist and you may see more email alerts coming through during that time so please don’t be alarmed. This may not all be moved on Monday so don’t be concerned if you don’t see your tickets straight away.

Knowledge Base – please do take the time to explore the new Knowledge Base – articles are now more organised and easier to navigate based on topic, this does mean that article links have been updated, if you can’t find an article you used to refer to by using the search, then let us know via support and we can locate for you.

If on Monday between 8am-1pm you have any urgent tickets that you need to raise, please email Laura Unwin laura.unwin@technologyfromsage.com, who will be able to ensure we pick those up and action them.
Posted Mar 21, 2024 - 13:32 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affected: Talis Aspire Reading Lists (General), Talis Aspire Copyright Clearance (General), and Talis Elevate (General).